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10 reasons to go camping with your kids

10 reasons to go camping with your kids

Finally, the weekend’s here! Time to unwind, let the troubles of our jobs stay put until Monday. Most importantly, finally came two days to spend some quality time with our dearest. But what to do? Here’s an idea – spend it in nature. Go camping and while you’re at it, bring your kids along!


Sounds fun right? And, it’s beneficial to the youngsters as well! Here are 10 reasons why you shouldn’t keep on prolonging this anymore.


1. Create Precious Memories


Straight from the top! Yes, you’re doing this to unwind and get away from it all. But the memories and stories you’ll create with a weekend out with kids are going to last you a lifetime.


2. It Grounds Them To Earth


We’re living in a fast-paced world today and it’s important to take a breather from time to time. Same goes for your kids. Just imagine how it will be for them ten years from now. That’s why it’s important to create healthy habits early on. They’ll learn the importance of taking a piece of mind and appreciate the beauty of soaking up the sun and immersing themselves in nature every now and then.


3. Health Benefits


The health benefits of spending time in nature are enormous for the kids. They get to be physically active (just running around and playing) which strengthens their bodies. Also, it’s a fresh air all around cleansing their lungs and plenty of precious vitamin D from the sun to boost their health and keep their skin shiny and well. Yours too!


4. Boosts Immunity


In short, it’s time to let them be. Let them play around (it’s only nature anyway) and let them get a few bruises here and there. Allow dirt to do its work and boost their immunity. Of course, be careful but don’t overreact.


5. Improves Quality Of Sleep


There’ll be no whining to stay longer in front of the TV once you get back home. Activities in nature will tire them out, and daylight will get their melatonin to reset. This will get them ready and eager to jump in their beds. Oh, the heavenly rest they’ll have!


6. Wake Up The Small Scientist Within


Try to spark your kid’s curiosity while camping out with them! Collecting wildlife samples (bugs or plants) will get their curiosity and interest for the world around going. If you’re local and you must be 🙂 there are plenty of options to look for, check out some spots here


7. Learn And Develop New Skills


Going out camping with your kids will provide you with the opportunity to be more than a parent. Investigate and show them a few tricks on how to survive or get by when all they have is nature. Show them the way North!


8. Sharpen Their Focus


We’re all easily distracted these days with all these devices ringing, flashing. We don’t know which way to look first. Your kids will spend prolonged times focused on things once they’re in nature. This will teach them to take it all one step at a time.



9. You’ll Appreciate Them More


You aren’t only camping with your kids! You’re creating small persons, you get to meet them again and again and learn something new about them just by studying their behavior in nature. With every passing moment you’ll have more than a kid, but a small friend!



10. Keep The Creative Flames Burning


Letting them have the time of their own while camping will probably make them bored, sure. At first. What happens next is the pure flow of creativity! Let them find their own way of inventing new games, playing roles etc. You’ll be amazed at just how creative your little ones can be. This will make long-lasting benefits to their learning abilities and school success.